
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 12


Synthesize research results, using responsible, ethical practices to gather information, and write clear, coherent products demonstrating command of language that is suitable for the target audience and purpose.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Strategies to synthesize research findings from multiple sources.
  • Responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Grade-appropriate writing skills.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English.
  • Strategies to modify writing for a particular audience and purpose.


Students are able to:
  • Synthesize research findings from multiple sources.
  • Write clear, coherent documents using responsible and ethical research practices.
  • Incorporate conventions of formal, standard English into clear, coherent writing products.
  • Modify writing to be suitable for a particular audience and purpose.


Students understand that:
  • An effective research project will include a synthesis of multiple information sources.
  • Ethical and responsible research practices are necessary when writing academic and workplace documents.
  • The conventions of standard, formal English are necessary for effective academic and workplace communication.
  • Written language should be adapted, depending on the audience and purpose.


  • Synthesize
  • Responsible research practices
  • Ethical research practices
  • Command of language
  • Target audience
  • Purpose