English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 12


Write explanations and expositions that examine and convey complex ideas or processes effectively, develop the topic utilizing and citing credible sources of information or data when relevant, use intentional transitions, choose precise vocabulary, and maintain an organized structure and style.

Unpacked Content


  • Explanatory and expository text is writing that examines and explains complex ideas or processes, utilizing information from multiple credible research sources.
  • Explanatory and expository writing has an organized structure, and usually begins by clearly focusing on the topic, incorporating credible evidence, and ends with a conclusion.
  • Explanatory and expository writing should utilize techniques that objectively introduce and develop topics.
  • Explanatory and expository writing should include academic, content-specific technical word meanings.
  • Words that indicate transitions.


  • Gather credible information and data from multiple sources.
  • Write an explanatory and expository text with an organized structure and formal style that develops the topic and utilizes appropriate transitions, credible information or data, and technical vocabulary words.


  • Explanatory and expository writing should be free from opinions and supported with evidence.
  • Explanatory and expository writing follow a predictable, organized text structure that utilizes appropriate transition words and precise vocabulary.
  • Writers elaborate on details included in the text by using formal academic, content-specific technical words.
  • They must gather their information and data about the topic from multiple credible research sources.


  • Explanations
  • Expositions
  • Complex ideas
  • Complex processes
  • Citing
  • Credible sources
  • Intentional transitions
  • Precise vocabulary
  • Organized structure