English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 9


Write a memoir, narrative essay, or personal or fictional narrative to convey a series of events, establishing a clear purpose and using narrative techniques.

COS Examples

Examples: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection

Unpacked Content


  • A narrative is a piece of writing that tells a story, such as a memoir, essay, personal narrative, or fictional narrative.
  • Narrative writing includes techniques, like dialogue, pacing, description, and reflection.
  • Events in narrative writing should be sequenced in a coherent manner.


  • Write a narrative with a coherent sequence of plot events and a clear purpose.
  • Incorporate narrative techniques in their narrative writing, including dialogue, pacing, description, and reflection.


  • Narrative writing can take many forms, but there should be a coherent sequence of events.
  • Literary techniques are tools that can be used to create a piece of narrative writing.
  • Literary techniques in narrative writing contribute to the overall meaning and purpose of the text.


  • Memoir
  • Narrative essay
  • Personal narrative
  • Fictional narrative
  • Narrative techniques