English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 8


Synthesize and present information during the research process to answer follow-up questions and participate in both informal and formal discussions about research findings with grade-appropriate command of language.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Research strategies.
  • Strategies to synthesize research findings and incorporate findings into oral presentations.
  • Collaborative discussions occur when participants actively listen, build on others' ideas, and ask clarifying questions.
  • Generally accepted rules for discussions.


Students are able to:
  • Synthesize research information from a variety of sources.
  • Incorporate research findings into oral presentations.
  • Engage in research with the purpose of answering questions about the information.
  • Participate in discussions about research findings.
  • Demonstrate grade-appropriate command of language in speech.


Students understand that:
  • Effective oral presentations of research findings require the synthesization of information from multiple sources.
  • When speaking, they should demonstrate their command of standard English grammar and usage.
  • Information obtained through research can be used to answer audience questions about the findings.


  • Synthesize
  • Research process
  • Follow-up questions
  • Informal discussion
  • Formal discussion
  • Research findings
  • Command of language