English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 7


Write an argument to defend a position by introducing and supporting claim(s), acknowledging alternate or opposing claims, and presenting reasons and relevant text evidence from accurate and credible sources.

Unpacked Content


  • The purpose of argumentative writing is to defend an opinion.
  • Argumentative writing includes introducing the topic by stating an argumentative claim, relevant evidence to support the claim, acknowledging opposing claims, and a concluding statement.
  • Evidence to support the argument must be collected from various accurate and credible sources.


  • Write an argument to defend a position.
  • Include a claim and relevant evidence in argumentative writing.
  • Acknowledge alternate or opposing claims in argumentative writing.
  • Gather evidence from accurate and credible sources to support the claim.


  • To effectively defend a position, they must present relevant, well-organized evidence from accurate and credible sources.
  • An argument can be more effective if a writer acknowledges opposing viewpoints.


  • Argument
  • Defend a position
  • Claim
  • Alternate/opposing claim
  • Relevant evidence
  • Accurate sources
  • Credible sources