English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 7


Evaluate rhetorical strategies used to develop central and supporting ideas in recorded or live presentations, including point of view, purpose, comparison, categories, and word meanings (figurative, connotative, and technical).

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Speakers utilize specific rhetorical strategies in their presentations to convey meaning.
  • Rhetorical strategies that can develop central and supporting ideas include point of view, purpose, comparison, categories, and word choice.
  • Speakers develop the central idea of their presentation by including supporting details to further elaborate on the presentation's central meaning.


Students are able to:
  • Identify a speaker's rhetorical strategies related to point of view, purpose, comparison, categories, and word choice.
  • Evaluate an author's rhetorical choices related to point of view, purpose, comparison, categories, and figurative, connotative, and technical word meanings.
  • Evaluate how a speaker's rhetorical choices developed the central and supporting ideas of the presentation.


Students understand that:
  • When creating and presenting a presentation, speakers make specific decisions about structure, format, and vocabulary to accurately convey their central and supporting ideas.


  • Rhetorical strategies
  • Central ideas
  • Supporting ideas
  • Recorded presentations
  • Live presentations
  • Point of view
  • Purpose
  • Comparison
  • Categories
  • Figurative word meaning
  • Connotative word meaning
  • Technical word meaning