English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 5


Explain how an author’s vocabulary and style influence the tone and mood of a text and support his/her purpose for writing.

Unpacked Content


  • Authors choose particular vocabulary and write in a specific style depending on the purpose of the writing and the tone and mood they intend to create.
  • Tone is the attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience, and mood is the overall feeling, or atmosphere, of a text.


  • Identify the tone and mood of a text.
  • Explain how an author's vocabulary and writing style influence the tone and mood of the text.
  • Identify an author's purpose for writing a text.
  • Explain how an author's vocabulary and writing style support their purpose for writing the text.


  • Authors select specific words and write in a particular style to set a tone and mood for the text, and indicate their purpose for writing the text.


  • Author's vocabulary
  • Author's style
  • Tone
  • Mood
  • Purpose