
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 5


Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, automaticity, appropriate prosody or expression, purpose, and understanding, self-correcting and rereading as necessary.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Accurately means reading without mistakes, and automatically means knowing the words immediately without sounding them out.
  • Prosody is reading aloud with appropriate changes in voice, pitch, and expression.
  • Reading can occur for different purposes and setting a purpose for reading can improve comprehension.
  • Rereading is a strategy that aids in word recognition and comprehension.


Students are able to:
  • Set a purpose prior to reading aloud.
  • Read aloud accurately, automatically, while using appropriate expression.
  • Self-correct and reread when necessary.


Students understand that:
  • Identifying their purpose for reading prior to beginning to read can improve their comprehension of the text.
  • Fluent readers are accurate, automatic, and use appropriate voice expression.
  • If a word is misread, they need to self-correct and reread.
  • If their comprehension begins to break down, they need to reread to improve their understanding.


  • Accuracy
  • Automaticity
  • Prosody
  • Expression
  • Purpose
  • Understanding
  • Self-correcting
  • Rereading