English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 4


Determine and state an implied theme, explicit theme, or life lesson from a myth, story, or other traditional literature.

Unpacked Content


  • An implied theme is not directly stated in the text, while an explicit theme is directly stated in the text.
  • Myths, stories, and other types of traditional literature were often written with the purpose of teaching a life lesson.


  • Identify an implied theme, explicit theme, or life lesson from a myth, story, or another type of traditional literature.
  • State the implied theme, explicit theme, or life lesson from a myth, story, or another type of traditional literature.


  • Sometimes an author will state the theme or life lesson in the text, while other times the reader must use clues and details from the text to infer the theme or lesson.
  • Myths and traditional literature were often written with the purpose of teaching life lessons.


  • Implied theme
  • Explicit theme
  • Life lesson
  • Myth
  • Story
  • Traditional literature