
English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 3


Decode and encode words with three-consonant blends, digraphs, trigraphs, quadrigraph eigh, combinations, diphthongs, and silent letter combinations.

Unpacked Content


  • Three-consonant blends are a combination of three consonants in which each represents a phoneme sound.
  • Digraphs are two letter combination that represents a single phoneme sound in which neither letter represents its usual sound.
  • Trigraphs are three letter combinations that represents a single phoneme sound.
  • Quadrigraph eigh is a combination of four letters that represents a single phoneme sound.
  • Combinations are two letters that frequently appear together and have an associated phoneme.
  • Diphthongs are single vowel phonemes that glide in the middle.
  • Silent letter combinations are letter combinations in which one or more letters is silent (does not represent a phoneme), but another letter does represent the phoneme.


  • Accurately decode and encode words with three-consonant blends, such as spl-, str-, scr-, squ-.
  • Accurately decode and encode words with consonant digraphs, such as th, sh, ch, ck, ph.
  • Accurately decode and encode words with consonant trigraphs, such as tch, dge, igh.
  • Accurately decode and encode words with combinations, such as er, ir, ar, or.
  • Accurately decode and encode words with diphthongs, such as oi oy, ou, ow.
  • Accurately decode and encode words with silent letter combinations, such as kn, gn, mb, wr, gh.


  • Some words have special combinations of letters that can be decoded and encoded using their knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences.


  • Decode
  • Encode
  • Three-Consonant blends
  • Digraphs
  • Trigraphs
  • Quadrigraph
  • Combinations
  • Diphthongs
  • Silent letter combinations

COS Examples

Examples: spl-, str-, scr-, squ-; th, sh, ch, ck, ph; tch, dge, igh; er, ir, ar, or; oi, oy, ou, ow; kn, gn, mb, wr, gh