Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Visual Arts


Investigate, compare, and contrast methods for preserving and protecting art.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Artists, curators, and others consider a variety of factors and methods including evolving technologies when preparing and refining artwork for display and or when deciding if and how to preserve and protect it.
EQ: What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation? How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer? What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection?

Skills Examples

  • Independently mat and prepare one's own work for display.
  • Apply concepts, following research, of various methods of preserving artwork across different cultures.
  • Plan an exhibition showcasing one's own body of work.
  • Write an artist's statement, with curatorial and personal reflections for each work of art in personal show or concentration.
  • Create a portfolio of wide-ranging work to use for future ventures. Include in the portfolio an artist's statement, with curatorial and personal reflections for each work of art.
  • After meeting with a curator at a local museum, create a presentation about the various methods of preservation and the circumstances to which each method is best suited.
  • Select and organize a collection of artworks to prepare for an exhibit, taking into account the artist messages and impact on the viewers.
  • Research and select specific art reproductions, describing the artworks' social, historical, and cultural influence on the world.
  • Critique peers' and one's own work for revision and clarity of a cohesive body of work.
  • Interact with viewers of one's own work on display. Converse and explain methods and reasoning behind choices. Reflect on viewer perception and personal intent.


  • Artist Statement
  • Abstraction
  • Animation
  • Distortion
  • Elaboration
  • Fragmentation
  • Juxtaposition
  • Magnification
  • Metamorphosis
  • Multiplication
  • Reversals
  • Simplification
  • Viewpoint
  • Form, intent, and content complement each other
  • Intent drives the selection of media and technique
  • Mix and blend materials
  • Expand on new ideas of communicating visually.
  • Making informed choices to communicate effectively.
  • Artists pursue new and innovative ways to create multiple themed artworks with technical skill and mastery while maintaining and caring for materials.
  • Reflect, re-engage, revise and refining works of art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.