
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Visual Arts


Interpret and evaluate artwork or a collection of works supported by relevant and sufficient evidence found in the work and its various contexts.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: People gain insights into meanings of artworks by engaging in the process of art criticism.
EQ: What is the value of engaging in the process of art criticism? How can the viewer "read" a work of art as text? How does knowing and using visual arts vocabularies help us understand and interpret works of art?

Skills Examples

  • Apply one's understanding of visual arts genres and the styles of various artists, cultures, places, and times in order to distinguish between and interpret the visual imagery in a variety of artworks.
  • Analyze how the visual imagery that people encounter in the everyday world (such as in the family/ home, in the classroom, at school, as part of activities in the community, at other events outside of school, in the natural environment, in the built environment, and in popular media) impacts perceptions, interpretations, and choices.
  • Investigate and discuss how seeing visual imagery in virtual contexts (such as online) influences people's opinions and perceptions of the artwork.
  • Evaluate how distinctive visual imagery in works of art influenced and reflected the specific cultures, places, and times in which the artworks were created.
  • Apply an understanding of aesthetic criteria, art movements, genres, and styles of various artists, cultures, places, and times, when critiquing artistic compositions and collections of artwork.
  • Demonstrate a responding process, using personal experiences, background knowledge, aesthetic criteria, and supportive evidence when interpreting and analyzing visual artworks.


  • Innovative Thinking
  • Creative Processes
  • Multiple Solutions
  • Organize and Develop Ideas and Work
  • Technical Skill
  • Craftsmanship
  • Mat types and processes
  • Concentration
  • Breadth
  • Portfolio
  • Artistic problems can have more than one solution and can be approached from a variety of media.
  • Artwork is created with technical skill, craftsmanship and proficiency.
  • Artists are knowledgeable in copyright laws for images from various resources.
  • Artists create a plan for display of intended artwork.
  • Correct terminology is used when discussing or writing about art.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 8: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.