
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Visual Arts


Observe ways in which an exhibition is presented.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Artists, curators, and others consider a variety of factors and methods including evolving technologies when preparing and refining artwork for display and or when deciding if and how to preserve and protect it.
EQ: What methods and processes are considered when preparing artwork for presentation or preservation? How does refining artwork affect its meaning to the viewer? What criteria are considered when selecting work for presentation, a portfolio, or a collection?

Skills Examples

  • Demonstrate appropriate interactions with public art.
  • Select work and identify appropriate methods and materials for its public display.
  • Demonstrate how one's interactions with public artwork differ according to the artwork's context and location.
  • Write a personal response describing one's own thoughts and beliefs as they are affected after viewing groups of work with various intent and messages.
  • List characteristics observed that set certain moods or feelings in a work of art and/or display.
  • Analyze how an art work relates to one's own background knowledge or experience.
  • Tell how an individual's background knowledge and experiences may influence perception of works on their own and in different settings.
  • Tabulate how many works can fit in a given space.
  • Match images to appropriate audience or venue.
  • Measure an exhibition space and sizes of art work to determine how the work may be best displayed.


  • Artistic processes
  • Traditional Media
  • Contemporary Media
  • Craftsmanship
  • Experimentation
  • Aesthetics
  • Perception
  • Scale
  • Proportion
  • Develop artistic ideas and work
  • Build upon prior knowledge
  • Explore creative art-making goals
  • Communicate ideas
  • Artists create works of art that implement the art elements and principles of design - regardless if the artwork is traditional or contemporary.
  • Artists employ technical skills and craftsmanship when creating works of art.
  • Artists act responsibly when handling of tools and materials, following safety guidelines and are conscious of the environment which they work.
  • Artists reflect and revise upon their artwork throughout the creative process.
  • Develop excellence through practice and constructive critique.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.