
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Visual Arts


Apply one criterion from elements or principles of design to evaluate more than one work of art/design.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: People evaluate art based on various criteria.
EQ: How does one determine criteria to evaluate a work of art? How and why might criteria vary? How is a personal preference different from an evaluation?

Skills Examples

  • Compare Gyotaku Japanese fish printing and printing with a rubber stamp.
  • Make conclusions about the artist's feelings and perspective.
  • Analyze the meaning of Edvard Munch's The Scream.
  • Interpret Emanuel Leutze's Washington Crossing the Delaware River and its relevance to the Revolutionary War.
  • Discuss and form an opinion about the social and personal value of a piece of art.
  • Apply one element or principle of design to discuss how students' outcomes are different even though they used the same criteria for a work of art/ design.
  • Formulate criteria for discussing and assessing works of art.
  • Use art vocabulary when discussing and judging artworks.
  • Engage in group critiques of one's work and the work of others for the purpose of personal reflection and on-going improvement.


  • Constructed environment
  • Cultural traditions
  • Digital format
  • Engagement
  • Tertiary color
  • Preservation
  • Proportion
  • Principles of design
    • Unity
  • Shade
  • Style
  • Tints & shades

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

COS Examples

Example: Discuss how students’ outcomes are different even though they used the same criteria.