
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Theatre


Demonstrate an understanding of multiple interpretations of artistic criteria and how each might be used to influence future artistic choices of a drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theatre experiences.
EQ: How do theatre artists comprehend the essence of drama processes and theatre experiences?

Skills Examples

  • Students will create a theatre blog in which they go see live theatre in the area. Students will write Theatre Reviews for each play that they see and post their critique. Students will use their interpretive skills to acknowledge and write about different directorial choices and design differences.
  • Students will pair up to peer critique monologues and scenes for competition. Students will create their own rubric for the exercise. They will watch each piece and write a critique. They will also work to help each other grow in their scenes and monologues. They will do a final performance for the class and do an oral critique.
  • Students will film a performance of one of their class plays. They will create an anonymous survey where they critique their work. They will read the critique and discuss the comments in class.


  • How does a Director's point of view impact the play?
  • Using critique to analyze personal performances
  • being able to recognize a quality performance
  • Using analytical ability to discuss positives and negatives of performances
  • aesthetic critique
  • application of design principles on productions
Theatrical production
  • Defining the needs of producing a play
  • critically assessing their success in their productions
  • Developing the ability to compare and contrast productions

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.