Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Theatre


Apply a variety of researched acting techniques as an approach to character choices in a drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning.
EQ: Why are strong choices essential to interpreting a drama or theatre piece?

Skills Examples

  • Students will learn directing technique through lecture and classroom exercises. Students will identify the spectrum of an evolutionary director versus a director that is totally planned.
  • Students will study Viewpoints in class. Use exercises in class to show different benefits of the process. Students will use these techniques for scene work. They will have a class performance and will have oral critique and written critique.
  • Students will, after studying Viewpoints, Strasburg, Stanislavski, Uta Hagen, use these techniques for a class play. They will audition, rehearse and perform their play.
  • Students will create a children's play. They will write, rehearse and perform this show for the students in grades 3-5 in other schools.


  • using information from research and the text to guide the production
  • Picturization
  • Dramaturgical analysis for directing
  • comedic timing
  • realistic vocal work
  • Using Viewpoints to use movement to create character
  • Using technique to create specific movement motivated by text, and character
  • By learning multiple acting techniques
  • How does the audience, theatre space and or style of the play influence design
Theatrical production
  • Theatrical genres have a profound impact on the entire production and the success of the production

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.