Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Theatre


Implement and refine a planned technical design using simple technology during the rehearsal process for devised or scripted drama/theatre work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists refine their work and practice their craft through rehearsal.
EQ: How do theatre artists transform and edit their initial ideas?

Skills Examples

  • Each student is a Theatre Technician and/or Designer, who is applying for an Internship at a local theatre company. Present evidence of your previous understanding of the art form in a group portfolio that will highlight your comprehensive knowledge of stage norms, collaboration and/or design/ production process in order to highlight your comprehensive knowledge and ability within the realm of technical theatre. (This project is comprehensive and could take a full quarter or semester of instructional practice and work). This assignment will be completed on a long-term basis.
Resources for Technical Production and Building a Tech Crew


Theatrical production

Skills Assessed
  • Determine staging requirements and technical requirements.
  • Arrange the performance space, and theoretically coordinate the technical design of the production.
  • Research the cultural and historical background of a specific play to inform the ground plan.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work.