Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Theatre


Participate in a variety of acting exercises and techniques that can be applied in a rehearsal or drama/theatre performance.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design.
EQ: What can I do to fully prepare a performance or technical design?

Skills Examples

  • As a whole group, students will design the set, sound effects or costumes for the play A Christmas Carol. They will use historical images of that time period to create the visual aspects of the play. This can be done in conjunction with the English teacher as the play is a part of many 7th grade curricula. Students will participate in an online research project on the history of Technical Theatre. They will pick a time period and design a set, lighting, sound or costume design using only the tools available in that time period (Greek-Victorian preferred). After completing the research and designs, students will create a visual character board for the character that they are representing in a class play or assigned monologue.
  • Students will actively participate in the rehearsal process for their assigned piece and prepare for performance.
  • By studying each form of staging, students will create stage directions for one scene of a provided play. (Suggestion: Use the same play for all lessons and build on each activity throughout several week-long unit.) Students should choose thrust, proscenium, in the round, or experimental.


Theatrical production

Skills Assessed
  • Students will use analysis skills through Contextual Reading, Characterization, and Dramaturgy
  • Students will incorporate design elements by using information in plays to inspire design choices.
  • Technology can be used to influence design and prepare students for career pathways.
  • Students will incorporate research by using historical facts and images for ideas and inspiration.
  • By utilizing cultural facts and images for ideas and inspiration, students expand ideas and make cross curricular connections in World History and English.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.