Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Theatre


Investigate historical, global, and social issues expressed in drama/theatre work.

COS Examples

Example: Read articles from a specific time period, then use articles to write and perform a living newspaper“ scenario.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Theatre artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood.
EQ: What happens when theatre artists allow an understanding of themselves and the world to inform perceptions about theatre and the purpose of their work?

Skills Examples

  • Students describe their community/ culture using evidence.
  • Students may view examples of socially conscious videos, commercials, poetry readings, animation, etc.
  • Students brainstorm ways that theater can connect them to their community/ culture and foster understanding and social responsibility.
  • Students do research on the historical, global, or social issues in dramatic/ theatrical pieces they have seen.
  • Students become familiar with legitimate historical research sources for theater terminology and conventions.
  • Research stories set in different cultures (e.g., Helen Keller [U.S.], Anne Frank [Germany], Aladdin [Middle East], Fisher King [England], Urashima Taro [Japan], Various Norse or Greek Myths, Aesop's fables [Greek], etc.).
  • Compare and contrast the stories and cultures from other places with those of the U.S., seeking commonalities among the differences.


  • evidence
  • historical issues
  • global issues
  • legitimate sources
  • social consciousness
Theatrical production
  • animation

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.