Unpacked Content
Essential Questions
EU: Theatre artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theatre work.
EQ: How are the theatre artist's processes and the audience's perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?
EQ: How are the theatre artist's processes and the audience's perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?
Skills Examples
- Articulate the feelings brought forth by viewing a dramatic play/ dramatic experience.
- Collaborate to determine what feature of the scene caused that emotional response. As students collaborate, they should choose a color that expressed an emotion felt in the scene. How could this color strengthen the emotional response?
- View multiple scenes/ dramas and articulate personal preference in a dramatic play/ drama experience/ age-appropriate play. Students should be able to articulate which artistic work they relate to the most.
- Identify at least one personal experience when participating in or observing a dramatic/ theatrical work.
- Identify the most relatable characters in an artistic work and describe how that one character may be more relatable than another. (You may ask students, "Which character is the most like you?")
- Describe the setting and characters of a dramatic play.
- Collaborate to identify a character's emotions in a dramatic/ theatrical work (e.g., excitement by bouncing in a seat, anger in slamming a door or yelling, etc.).
Theatrical production
- observation
- perspective (cultural, audience)
- entertainment
- emotions
Theatrical production
- applaud
- attentive
Anchor Standards
Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.