
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Create rehearsal plans for works, identifying the form, repetition and variation within the form, and the style and historical or cultural context of the work.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria.
EQ: How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?

Skills Examples

  • Create rehearsal plans for musical works, identifying the compositional elements, style, and historical or cultural context of the work.
  • Using established criteria, identify the ways in which performances convey the elements of music, style, and mood.
  • Analyze a work and show the different techniques the composer uses and describe their effect on the performance.
Reading/ Writing
  • Write a melody following and showing proper use of root position, first inversion and second inversion structures and voice leadings.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Analyze the elements of music from written and aural examples relating them to style, mood, and context.
  • Describe how the analysis provides models for personal growth as composer, performer, and/or listener.
  • Identify, evaluate, and implement strategies for improving the technical and expressive aspects of various works.


  • Mixed Meter
  • Heterophonic
  • Articulations
  • Stylistic markings
  • Simple Aural Skills (ear training)
  • Simple Sight Reading
  • Melodic Dictation
  • Improvisation

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.