Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Select and critique contrasting musical works, defending opinions based on manipulations of the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects, and the purpose and context of the works.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Individuals' selection of musical works is influenced by their interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes.
EQ: How do individuals choose music to experience?

Skills Examples

  • Edit, mix and produce a new composition using various digital tools.
  • Use a synthesizer to create various sounds.
  • Transpose an existing piece of music using digital tools.
  • Employ various compositional techniques to compose a short work using digital tools.
  • Interpret and employ expressive markings in musical scores.
  • Create original melodies using traditional notation, sequencing or digital recording software.
  • Effectively trim an audio clip.
Reading/ Writing
  • Explain the role of technology in researching, creating, performing and listening to music.
  • Identify compositional techniques used to provide unity and variety, tension and release in musical works.
  • Identify and describe effects used in a recording- delay, sampling, looping, pan, etc.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Compare the methodology and interpretation of two or more performances, live, sequenced or recorded, of the same music.
  • Analyze and describe how a synthesizer produces various sounds.
  • Research and report about the development of Music Concréte and its role in electronic music.


  • Click Track
  • Compound Meter
  • Duple
  • Mixed Meter
  • Quantize
  • Simple Meter
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Traditional Notation/ Music Symbols
  • Triple
  • Frequency
  • Instrumentation Choice
  • Interval
  • Key Signature (Minor)
  • Multitrack Recording
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Tone Generator
  • Transpose
  • Virtual Instruments
  • Atonal
  • Chord Progression
  • Consonance
  • Dissonance
  • Tension-Release
  • Transpose
  • Binary (AB)
  • Coda
  • Cut/ Paste
  • Editing
  • Interlude
  • Mixing
  • Sampling
  • Strophic
  • Style
  • Ternary (ABA)
  • Amplitude
  • Articulation
  • Delay
  • Electronic Music
  • Musique Concréte
  • Panning
  • Pitch Bending
  • Timbre
  • Tone Color
  • Bit
  • Bouncing (to)
  • Byte
  • Compress/ Compression
  • Copyright/ Intellectual Property Rights
  • Decibel (dB)
  • Difference between Digital and Analog Recording
  • Digital Audio
  • Workstation (DAW)
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Effect(s)
  • Equalization
  • Event List
  • Master Tracks (Tempo, Audio)
  • MIDI Controller
  • Panning
  • Patch
  • Piano Roll
  • Reverb (Reverberation)
  • Roll of Music Technology in 20th and 21st Century Music Styles (Classical genres, popular genres, etc.)
  • Synthesizer
  • Streaming
  • Sample (as in live instrument sample)
  • Sampling Rate
  • Sequence/ Sequencer

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.