
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Generate melodic, rhythmic and harmonic ideas, for compositions or improvisations using digital tools.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sources.
EQ: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Skills Examples

  • Present and perform a varied repertoire of music representing diverse genres and cultures using digital tools.
  • Use amplification and playback systems to produce and edit sound.
  • Accurately recognize and interpret pitches, rhythms and other traditional notational symbols.
  • Demonstrate basic sequencing techniques to manipulate known songs using digital tools.
  • Compose and notate a simple melody as well as melodic variation using traditional and digital tools.
  • Improvise new lyrics to known songs using digital tools and technology.
  • Identify the properties of sound using developmentally appropriate vocabulary.
Reading/ Writing
  • Explain the role of technology in creating, performing and listening to music.
  • Describe basic MIDI technology and its applications.
  • Differentiate between various entry methods in notation, sequencing and recording.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Describe how the elements of music are used in a given work to make it unique, interesting and expressive.
  • Discuss what digital citizenship means and how it applies to music technology.
  • Research and write about important performers, composers, artists, etc. who contributed to the development of digital music tools and production.


  • Bar line
  • Beat/ Pulse/ BPM
  • Click Track
  • Drum Machine
  • Duration
  • Meter
  • Metronome
  • Note Values
  • Quantize
  • Steady Beat
  • Tempo
  • Ties
  • Time Signature
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Audio Track
  • Bass Clef
  • Clef
  • Electronic Instrument
  • Pitch
  • Pitch Contour
  • Key Signature (Major)
  • Traditional and Iconic Notation
  • Treble Clef
  • Chord
  • Instrumentation
  • Layer
  • Texture
  • Tonal
  • "ABA"
  • "AB"
  • Blues Form (12-bar)
  • Bridge
  • Cut/ Paste
  • Ending
  • Improvise
  • Introduction
  • Verse-Refrain
  • Repeat Ending
  • Dynamics
  • Instrumentation
  • Fading (in/ out)
  • Mix/ Mixing
  • Tempo
  • Volume Levels
  • Analog
  • Auxiliary (AUX)
  • Bandwidth
  • Channel
  • Compress/ Compression
  • Controller
  • Copyright/ Intellectual Property Rights
  • Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Digital, Digital Tools
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Effect(s)
  • File Types (wav, mp3, etc.)
  • Loop
  • Master Tracks (Tempo, Audio)
  • MIDI Controller
  • Music Technology History
  • Normalization
  • Notate, Notation Software
  • Panning
  • Piano Roll
  • Rehearse
  • Sequence/ Sequencer
  • Timbre
  • Track

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.