Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 06-12 - Music


Identify interpretations of the expressive intent and meaning of musical works, referring to the elementsof music, contexts, and (when appropriate) the setting of the text.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent.
EQ: How do we discern musical creators' and performers' expressive intent?

Skills Examples

  • Perform, with good posture and breath control, a varied repertoire of music representing diverse cultures at a level that includes modest ranges with appropriate dynamics and tempo.
  • Demonstrate and describe proper ensemble techniques including balance, blend, dynamics and correct vowel production.
  • Demonstrate the use of dynamics, tempo, meter and tonality through active listening.
  • Identify various careers for musicians.
Reading/ Writing
  • Read and notate simple melodies in treble and bass clef.
  • Read and notate simple rhythm patterns of 2-4 measures in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, and 6/8.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Compare and contrast a variety of live and recorded performances using appropriate terminology.
  • Describe the function of the diaphragm as it relates to singing.
  • Evaluate performances of self and others to determine accuracy of pitch, rhythm, and clarity of diction.

  • Demonstrate how musical elements communicate meaning and emotion by playing, singing, or moving to music.
  • Recognize the use of music for various purposes by performers and listeners in a variety of cultures.
  • Identify same and different (fast/slow, loud/soft, high/low, long/short).
  • Listen to and explore the music of various styles, composers, periods, and cultures.
  • Identify a musician and his or her roles (composer, conductor, performer).
  • Identify elements of music using developmentally appropriate vocabulary.
  • Explore selected musical instruments aurally and visually.
  • Attend live music performances.
Reading/ Writing
  • Discuss and write about observations of voices and instruments heard in performances.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Explain how music is used for a variety of purposes and occasions.
  • Discuss how music communicates feelings, moods, images, and meaning.
  • Share ideas about musical selections of various and contrasting styles, composers and musical periods.


  • Measure
  • Bar line
  • Time signature
  • Simple meter
  • Common time
  • 2/4 time
  • Whole note/ rest
  • Half note/ rest
  • Quarter note/ rest
  • Eighth note/ rest
  • Tempo
  • Head voice/ chest voice
  • Staff
  • Clef (treble and bass)
  • Major key signature
  • Diatonic major scale
  • Tonic major arpeggio
  • Pitch
  • Stepwise motion
  • Skip motion
  • Unison
  • 2-part singing
  • Vocal ostinati
  • Imitative harmony (canon, etc.)
  • Phrase
  • Verse
  • Chorus
  • Section
  • AB
  • ABA
  • Repeat sign
  • Balance/ blend
  • Phrasing
  • Dynamics: pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo
  • Uniform vowels
  • Fermata
  • Sharps
  • Flats
  • Naturals
  • Diction
  • Posture
  • Performance etiquette
  • Correct breathing

  • Beat
  • Tempo
    • Adagio
    • Andante
    • Moderato
  • Counting System
  • Simple Meter
  • Time Signature
    • 4/4
    • Common
    • 2/4
    • 3/4
  • Barline
  • Measure/ Bar
  • Whole Note & Rest
  • Half Note & Rest
  • Quarter Note & Rest
  • Eighth Note & Rest
  • Dotted Half Note
  • Tie
  • Pick-up Note
  • Rudiment
  • Staff
  • Clef
    • Treble
    • Bass
    • Alto
  • Key Signature
  • Sharp
  • Flat
  • Natural
  • Accidental
  • Pitch
  • Range
  • Register
  • Middle Register
  • Tonality
  • Major
  • Diatonic
  • Chromatic
  • Scale
  • Arpeggio
  • Half-Step
  • Whole-Step
  • Stepwise Motion
  • Intervals
  • Unison
  • Solo
  • Duet
  • Tutti
  • Chord
  • Progression
  • Phrase
  • Repeats/ Repeat Sign
  • Double Bar Line
  • Dynamic
    • Piano
    • Mezzo Piano
    • Mezzo Forte
    • Forte
  • Articulation
    • Tonguing
    • Slurring
    • Accent
    • Legato
    • Staccato
    • Detaché
    • Pizzicato
  • Breath Mark
  • Posture
  • Instrument Carriage
  • Instrument Assembly
  • Instrument Maintenance
  • Embouchure
  • Grip
  • Characteristic Tone Quality
  • Tone Color
  • Range
  • Timbre
  • Breathing
  • Support
  • Sustain
  • Release
  • Intonation
  • Balance
  • Blend
  • Sight-reading
  • Transpose
  • Compose
  • Arrange
  • Improvise
  • Audience Etiquette
  • Performer Etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.