
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Music


Connecting standards 1 and 2 are to be embedded while teaching the Creating, Performing, and Responding standards. See page 86.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding.
EQ: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?

Skills Examples

  • Explore how context, intent, cultural, and personal knowledge influences the performance of music.
  • Explore how the cultural and societal customs of a specific time period or culture influences the performance practice of music.
  • Compare and contrast the creation process in different Arts disciplines (Visual Arts, Music, Dance, Media Arts, Theatre).
  • Compare and contrast how creative thinking is used in the Arts and fields outside the Arts.
  • Create a multimedia presentation examining similarities and difference of different composers from a specific time period.
Reading/ Writing
  • Apply music reading skills to music of various time periods, cultures, styles and genres.
  • Compare and contrast how the creation process in music relates to the creation process in other Arts.
  • Compare and contrast how expressive qualities are used in different Arts.
  • Compare common terms and contrasting definitions used in music and other arts disciplines.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Evaluate music of different time periods and present ways in which music influenced culture and ways in which the culture influenced music.
  • Use appropriate vocabulary and provide specific musical examples.
  • Choose a culturally significant, and/or societal, or historical event (September 11, American Revolution, Great Depression, etc.) and examine how music and the other Arts were used to respond to the experience.
  • Explore how certain styles and genres of music represent the experiences of groups of people.
  • Describe how composers, performers, and others involved in music are similar and different from those in other art forms.
  • Demonstrate how the context and setting influence performance and audience etiquette.


  • Tension and release
  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard, iconic, technological)
  • Tension and release
  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard, iconic, technological)
  • Texture
  • Tension and release
  • Sequence
  • Notation (standard, iconic, technological)
  • Arrangement
  • Song structure
  • Expanded forms
  • Introduction
  • Transition
  • Coda
  • Style
  • Genre
  • Structure
  • Timbre
  • Balance
  • Sound sources (instruments, voices, found sounds, & technology)
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquettes

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.