
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Music


Describe a personal interpretation of contrasting works and explain how creators’ and performers’ application of the elements of music and expressive qualities, within genres, cultures, and historical periods, conveys expressive intent.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent.
EQ: How do we discern musical creators' and performers' expressive intent?

Skills Examples

  • Perform music appropriate for middle level students from a variety of cultures, genres, and historical time periods.
  • Perform music appropriate for middle level learners that represents personal interests or experiences.
  • Compare and contrast, with guidance, context of music, selected for performance.
  • Create a playlist of music for listening that reflects personal interests, and/or a specific purpose, and/or an experience and describe how each selection is related.
  • Compare and contrast the context of at least two pieces of music created by self or peers and explain how the elements of music and expressive qualities were used in each piece.
  • Analyze at least two pieces of music created by self and peers and explain how the elements of music and expressive qualities contribute to each piece's structure.
Reading/ Writing
  • Use standard notation skills, with guidance, to analyze music to be performed.
  • Use standard notation skills, with guidance, to explain music created by self and peers.
  • Aurally compare and contrast, with guidance, two pieces and explain how the elements of music and expressive qualities are used to convey intent.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Create a presentation (lecture, multimedia, etc.) that describes a composer's or performer's use of the elements of music and expressive qualities to convey intent.
  • Develop a presentation (lecture or multimedia) that explains your personal interpretation of how the elements of music and expressive qualities were used to convey intent and meaning in specific musical pieces.
  • Discuss how musical products are evaluated by professional musicians.
  • Evaluate musical performances and products, with criteria provided by the teacher.
  • Compare and contrast how cultural and societal convention influences responses to music.
  • Develop, with guidance, personal criteria for responding to music.


  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard,
  • invented, or technological)
  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard, invented, or technological)
  • Phrase
  • Accompaniment
  • Progression
  • Binary form (AB)
  • Ternary form (ABA)
  • Style
  • Genre
  • Structure (melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic)
  • Tempo
  • Dynamics
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.