
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Music


Perform contrasting pieces of music, demonstrating their interpretations of how the elements of music and expressive qualities convey intent.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Performers make interpretive decisions based on their understanding of context and expressive intent
EQ: How do performers interpret musical works?

Skills Examples

  • Perform music technically appropriate for middle level learners.
  • Perform middle level appropriate music with good posture and producing an appropriate tone quality.
  • Perform music reading standard musical notation.
  • Perform music from a variety of time periods, cultures, styles, and genres.
  • Select and perform music for a specific purpose (Veterans Day, Black History Month, Holidays, etc.).
  • Discuss how composers use of the elements of music and how the elements contribute to the context, expressive qualities, and technical challenges of the piece.
  • Create a program of music for performance that examines a culturally significant event (e.g. American Revolution, Mardi Gras, Chinese Lantern Festival, Carnival, etc.) and be able to discuss how composers' use of the elements of music and expressive qualities convey intent.
  • Create, alone or with peers, a variation of a theme found in a piece for performance.
Reading/ Writing
  • Identify, with guidance, the elements of music (rhythmic, melodic, and/or harmonic) and expressive qualities of selected music for performance.
  • Identify and perform, with guidance, the use of standard symbols for the elements of music in selected pieces for performance.
  • Compare and Contrast, with guidance, the use of standard symbols for the elements of music of two pieces selected for performance.
  • Compare and contrast, with guidance, the structure (rhythmic, and/or melodic, and/or harmonic) of two pieces selected for performance.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Develop criteria, with peers and teacher, to evaluate music for performance in musical programs with attention to expressive qualities, technical challenges, purpose and context.
  • Develop a rehearsal plan, with peers and teacher, for music selected for performance.
  • Create program notes for musical performance that discuss the meaning and intent of music selected for performance.
  • Create program notes for musical performance that discuss the cultural, and/or historical time period, and/or societal influenced the music selected for performance.
  • Compare and contrast how venue, context, and purpose will influence performer and audience etiquette.
  • (Indoor Concert vs. Outdoor Concert, Rock Concert vs. Symphony Concert, Requiem Mass vs. African American Funeral, etc.)
  • Develop a multimedia presentation to be played before a concert to educate the audience about proper etiquette.


  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard, invented, or technological)
  • Phrase
  • Notation (standard, invented, or technological)
  • Phrase
  • Accompaniment
  • Progression
  • Binary form (AB)
  • Ternary form (ABA)
  • Style
  • Genre
  • Structure (melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic)
  • Tempo
  • Dynamics
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.