
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 3 - Music


Perform music with expression and technical accuracy.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Musicians judge performance based on criteria that vary across time, place, and cultures. The context and how a work is presented influence the audience response.
EQ: When is a performance judged ready to present? How do context and the manner in which musical work is presented influence audience response?

Skills Examples

  • Sing a varied repertoire with accurate rhythm and pitch and expressive qualities individually and with others.
  • Sing, move and respond to music from diverse cultures.
  • Sing, move and respond to age-appropriate music of various composers.
  • Play a variety of classroom instruments with proper technique.
  • Improvise and compose short compositions using a variety of classroom instruments and sound sources.
  • Create new words for familiar songs.
Reading/ Writing
  • Read, write and perform using two-eighth through whole note values including rhythms in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 meter.
  • Read, write and perform extended pentatonic melodies.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Use the head voice to produce a light, clear sound employing breath support and maintaining appropriate posture.
  • Develop criteria and use it to critique their own performances and the performances of others.


  • Bar lines
  • Measures
  • Pitch set: Low So, Low La, High Do
  • Treble clef reading (Mi, Re, Do)
  • Middle C to high G
  • Ledger lines
  • Partner songs
  • Rounds
  • Ostinati
  • Theme and variations
  • Coda
  • D.S. al coda
  • Repeat sign
  • Fermata
  • Phrase/ phrasing
  • Pianissimo (pp), fortissimo (ff)
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette
  • Orchestral instruments: 4 families
  • Age-appropriate pitch matching (Bb3 - Eb5)

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.