
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Music


Demonstrate awareness of expressive qualities that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent.
EQ: How do we discern musical creators' and performers' expressive intent?

Skills Examples

  • Perform songs of various genres while reflecting appropriate stylistic characteristics.
  • Purposefully move to music and articulate why they made the movement choices they made based on the music they heard.
Reading/ Writing
  • Discuss, using musical language, the characteristics of the music they hear and/or perform.
  • Discuss, using age/developmentally appropriate musical language, what sort of music they like personally and why.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Share ideas about musical selections of various and contrasting styles, composers and musical periods.
  • Describe how sounds and music are used in our daily lives.
  • Describe the difference between steady beat and rhythm.
  • Identify and connect a concept shared between music and another curricular area.
  • Identify and discuss various uses of music in the United States and the various meanings of the term "musician."
  • Respond to sound with a drawing of how the sound makes them feel.
  • Offer opinions about their own musical experiences and responses to music.
  • Aurally identify flute, trumpet, violin, and piano.


  • Steady beat
  • Long/ Short
  • One and two sounds per beat
  • Silent beat
  • High and low
  • Pitch set: So, Mi
  • Musical alphabet
  • Accompaniment/ no accompaniment
  • Like and unlike phrases
  • Echo
  • Speak, sing, shout, whisper
  • Solo/ Group
  • Unpitched percussion
  • Flute, trumpet, violin, piano
  • Loud/ Soft
  • Fast/ Slow
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

COS Examples

Example: Use body percussion to reflect dynamics in a piece of music.