
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Music


Generate musical ideas.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians' work emerge from a variety of sources.
EQ: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Skills Examples

  • Chant, move, play, and sing grade level skills.
  • Echo simple rhythmic patterns.
  • Echo a three-pitch melodic pattern using the correct syllables and hand signs.
  • Perform an improvised rhythmic pattern within a framework of four beats.
  • Perform an improvised melodic pattern on a pitched percussion instrument set to the pentatonic scale within a framework of four beats.
  • Improvise short songs and instrumental pieces using a variety of sound sources, including traditional or classroom sounds, body percussion, and sounds produced by electronic means.
  • Explore musical sources freely using found sounds, electronic sounds, or sounds from voice or instruments found in classroom, remembering to use sound and silence.
Reading/ Writing
  • Create a visual representation of sound.
Responding/ Evaluating
  • Respond to a musical call or question with an age- appropriate musical answer.
  • Evaluate peer performance to determine steady beat/no steady beat.


  • Steady beat
  • Long/ Short
  • One and two sounds per beat
  • Silent beat
  • High and low
  • Pitch set: So, Mi
  • Musical alphabet
  • Accompaniment/ no accompaniment
  • Like and unlike phrases
  • Echo
  • Speak, sing, shout, whisper
  • Solo/ Group
  • Unpitched percussion
  • Flute, trumpet, violin, piano
  • Loud/ Soft
  • Fast/ Slow
  • Age-appropriate audience and performer etiquette

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

COS Examples

Example: Improvise rhythmic and melodic variations on given simple melodies.