Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Media Arts


Curate, design, and promote the presentation and distribution of media artworks through a variety of contexts.

COS Examples

Examples: Markets and venues, for intentional impacts.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists purposefully present, share, and distribute media artworks for various contexts.
EQ: How does time, place, audience, and context affect presenting or performing choices for media artworks? How can presenting or sharing media artworks in a public format help a media artist learn and grow?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of ten media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events in a self-selected news category. Submit the series for professional review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of ten media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to a public audience.
  • Collect a series of contemporary media artworks and formulate a line of inquiry concerning the complex challenges of the productions. Recommend solutions in an original media art product and present the collection to a public audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that experiments with a combination of adapted tools, styles, and techniques that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of one's own original media artworks to present to three different groups of people.
  • Attend and evaluate a curation of media artworks in the community. Write a review to submit for publication that suggests improvements in presentation.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.