Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 09-12 - Media Arts


Develop and refine a determined range of creative and design abilities, including design thinking and risk taking, in addressing identified challenges and constraints within and through media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artists require a range of skills and abilities to creatively solve problems within and through media arts productions.
EQ: What skills are required for creating effective media artworks and how are they improved? How are creativity and innovation developed within and through media arts productions? How do media artists use various tools and techniques?

Skills Examples

  • Create a series of five media arts products connected by theme and style but using varied art forms and techniques to address recent events from the school calendar of events. Submit the series for teacher and peer review.
  • Conceptualize an original idea for a series of five media arts product and hold interviews of classmates to "hire" for needed positions. Complete the project and provide "performance reviews" to your "staff" once the series has been presented to an audience.
  • Create an original media arts series that use a combination of tools, styles, and techniques in a unique way that interact in a unified theme to serve a single purpose and message and meet personal expressive goals.
  • Select, organize, and present a collection of media artworks to educate the school's PTA about the history of media arts.
  • Attend and evaluate classmates' curations of a collection of media artworks. In the spirit of experimentation and growth, implement changes that improve the presentations.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.