
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Media Arts


Compare, contrast, and analyze the qualities of and relationships between the components and style in media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

Skills Examples

  • Review a series of media arts products and respond to questions concerning the relationships between components and style.
  • Review two media arts products and create a Venn Diagram to analyze their methods, forms, and styles by comparing and contrasting how each manages audience experience along with the intention of each.
  • Review a series of media arts products and create a T-Chart to compare and contrast how intentions, forms and contexts affects the meaning of each.
  • Interview a community media artist and evaluate his/her production processes using self-developed criteria and considering context and artistic goals. Record your interview in a podcast.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.