Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 7 - Media Arts


Access, evaluate, and use internal and external resources through experiences, interests, research, and exemplary works to influence the creation of media arts productions.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Media artworks synthesize meaning and form cultural experience.
EQ: How do we relate knowledge and experiences to understanding and making media artworks? How do we learn about and create meaning through producing media artworks?

Skills Examples

  • Create a unique media arts product in the style of an exemplary work but using personal experience to communicate a new message. Give credit to the original artist in the work.
  • Choose a media arts production that can be interpreted in different ways because of perspective of audience. Share and demonstrate to the class how analysis of this production can inform new knowledge and cultural understanding.
  • Write a paragraph analyzing how media arts productions experienced everyday are part of society through social media and careers.
  • Develop a bibliography of appropriate and free use media arts tools and components for 5th grade students to use in creating their own products.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.