Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 6 - Media Arts


Determine and apply specific criteria to evaluate production processes in various media artworks, considering context and practicing constructive feedback.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating, and producing media artworks.
EQ: How and why do media artists value and judge media artworks? When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them?

Skills Examples

  • After watching a public service announcement, identify and describe how the messages were created by the individual components. Responding to teacher questions, determine the effectiveness of the message and meaning.
  • After watching an episode of a popular dramatic show, identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class. Responding to teacher questions, discuss how audience experience can be managed.
  • Watch and respond to a series of political ads. Complete a teacher-made rubric for each, evaluating the purpose, meaning and message.
  • Using a class made checklist for basic principles, processes, grade one of your own media arts products. Score the product in two different contexts and compare the results, and make changes to make it better. Meet and give constructive feedback.


  • what is said, heard
  • sense or interpretation of the work

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.