Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 4 - Media Arts


Identify and apply basic criteria for evaluating and improving production processes and media arts productions, considering context.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Skillful evaluation and critique are critical components of experiencing, appreciating, and producing media artworks.
EQ: How and why do media artists value and judge media artworks? When and how should we evaluate and critique media artworks to improve them?

Skills Examples

  • After watching a commercial for a car, respond to teacher questions to identify, describe, and explain how the messages were created by the individual components.
  • After watching a series of commercials for shoes, respond to teacher questions to identify and describe the various methods and styles and the effect on the class.
  • With guidance, watch and respond to a series of political ads. By responding to teacher questions, tell the purpose, meaning and message of each and how interpretation is affected by context.
  • Using a class made checklist for basic principles, processes, and context grade one of your own media arts products and make changes to make it better.

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 9: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.