Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Media Arts


Recognize and share how a variety of media arts productions create different experiences.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Identifying the qualities and characteristics of media artworks improves one's artistic appreciation and production.
EQ: How do we 'read' media artworks and discern their relational components? How do media artworks function to convey meaning and manage audience experiences?

Skills Examples

  • Listen to a podcast or radio drama and tell the parts of the recording and the main idea of the program.
  • Listen to a recording of a story and watch a video of the story. With help, make a Venn Diagram that compares how the two create different experiences for the audience.
  • Watch and/or listen to a series of media arts productions, tell what is seen and heard. Share opinions of the productions by responding to teacher questions.
  • Watch and/or listen to a series of media arts productions, tell what is appealing/ pleasing in each by responding to teacher questions. With prompting, tell changes that could be made.


  • parts to whole
Author's Intent
  • message
  • entertainment
  • inform
  • humor
  • feelings
  • reaction
  • time
  • audience
  • place
  • purpose
  • information
  • intent
  • audience
  • pleasing
  • interesting
  • not distracting

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work.