
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 8 - Dance


Sculpt the body in space and design body shapes in relation to other dancers, objects, and environment, using kinetic sense during complex floor and air patterns.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Space, time, and energy are basic elements of dance.
EQ: How do dancers work with space, time, and energy to communicate artistic expression?

Skills Examples

  • Explore mirroring with a partner, both locomotor and stationary.
  • Use flocking to begin a warm up; each facing change brings a new leader to demonstrate or lead the next step of the warm up.
  • Perform dance phrases of different lengths that use various timing.
  • Use different tempos in different body parts at the same time.
  • Inhale on the descent of the plie' and exhale on the rise.
  • Demonstrate kinesthetic awareness of technical skills including: body alignment, coordination, balance, core support, clarity of movement, weight shifts, flexibility/ range of motion.
  • Discuss nutritional choices made in relation to energy efficiency, the effects experienced, and methods for making improvements.
  • Create and maintain a rehearsal schedule, journal, video portfolio, or timeline, noting personal areas of improvement and strategies for future improvement.
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities such as: commitment, dependability, and responsibility.
  • Discuss and identify production elements that would successfully enhance the audience's experience of the artistic intent of the dance. Implement a plan to accomplish that in a performance either for class or other venue.


  • space
  • Kinetic sense
  • dance phrase
  • tempo
  • use of breath
  • energy
  • dynamics
  • embody
  • technical dance skills
  • spatial designs
  • healthy practices
  • injury prevention
  • performance goals
  • Nutrition
  • Self-assessment
  • leadership qualities
  • production elements

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

COS Examples

Example: Mirroring.

Aligned Learning Resources