Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Dance


Describe how the movement qualities of a dance from a specific genre, style, or culture reflect the ideas and perspectives from which the dance originated.

COS Examples

Example: Regal movements of Ballet from its beginnings in Italian and French royal courts.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Dance literacy includes deep knowledge and perspectives about societal, cultural, historical, and community contexts.
EQ: How does knowing about societal, cultural, historical and community experiences expand dance literacy?

Skills Examples

  • Make the connection between how dance and physical education (healthy eating, drug-free habits, and other physical activities) impact health and learning throughout one's life.
  • Differentiate between various dance styles and genres of the Western theatrical tradition.
  • Demonstrate how various disciplines can be used to present an idea.
  • Explore social injustice by creating and performing a dance about Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • or Harriet Tubman.
  • Examine and use the skills, concepts, and vocabulary that are common to dance and to other content areas.
  • Examine elements of dance, costumes, and musical accompaniment of hip-hop for historical or cultural information.
  • Discuss capoeira and its Afro-Brazilian origin in a period of slavery.
  • Apply dance-related skills, such as alignment and body awareness, while giving a presentation.


  • Dance to communicate purpose
  • Theme
  • Dance Terminology
  • Common skills and processes among the arts disciplines.
  • Dance Terminology
  • Artistic Intent
  • Elements of dance
  • Cultural Movement Practices
  • Dance Literacy

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 11: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.