
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): 5 - Dance


Compare emotions and ideas evoked by two dances with contrasting themes and describe how the themes and movements relate to points of view and experiences.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: As dance is experienced, all personal experiences, knowledge, and context are integrated and synthesized to interpret meaning.
EQ: How does dance deepen our understanding of ourselves, other knowledge, and events around us?

Skills Examples

  • Make the connection between how dance and physical education (healthy eating, drug-free habits, and other physical activities) impact health and learning throughout one's life.
  • Differentiate between various dance styles and genres of the Western theatrical tradition.
  • Demonstrate how various disciplines can be used to present an idea.
  • Explore social injustice by creating and performing a dance about Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • or Harriet Tubman.
  • Examine and use the skills, concepts, and vocabulary that are common to dance and to other content areas.
  • Examine elements of dance, costumes, and musical accompaniment of hip-hop for historical or cultural information.
  • Discuss capoeira and its Afro-Brazilian origin in a period of slavery.
  • Apply dance-related skills, such as alignment and body awareness, while giving a presentation.


  • Dance to communicate purpose
  • Theme
  • Dance Terminology
  • Common skills and processes among the arts disciplines.
  • Dance Terminology
  • Artistic Intent
  • Elements of dance
  • Cultural Movement Practices
  • Dance Literacy

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 10: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences.

COS Examples

Examples: America“ from West Side Story “Singing in the Rain” from Singing in the Rain“