
Arts Education (2017) Grade(s): KG - Dance


React to stimuli by creating movement that changes at least one of the elements of dance.

Unpacked Content

Essential Questions

EU: Choreographers use a variety of sources as inspiration and transform concepts and ideas into movement for artistic expression.
EQ: Where do choreographers get ideas for dances?

Skills Examples

  • Demonstrate locomotor and non-locomotor movements (i.e., running, skipping, twisting, falling).
  • Identify elements of movement that are personally difficult to perform and discuss how this impacts movement choice in choreography.
  • Identify how it feels to perform the same movement fast and slow.
  • Create a connected shape, improvise while disconnected, and finish back in original connected shape.
  • Perform improvised movement based on a famous painting.
  • Identify how the movement changes if an element is performed differently, such as taking the movement from a high level to a low level.
  • Create three movements and develop a symbol to go with each (such as ⟲ for turn).


  • locomotor
  • non-locomotor
  • non-locomotor vs locomotor movements
  • elements of dance
  • choreography
  • improvisation
  • structure
  • concepts and inspiration for choreography
  • feedback and revision
  • notation

Anchor Standards

Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

COS Examples

Example: Identify elements of movement that are personally difficult to perform and discuss in a journal how this impacts movement choice in choreography.

Aligned Learning Resources