
Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 09-12 - Psychology


Describe the qualities and development of language.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Some defining features of language.
  • How language is different between children and adults.
  • Some basic differences between their native language and other languages.


Students are able to:
  • Summarize complex ideas related to language and its acquisition into simpler, but still accurate, terms.
  • Evaluate the ways in which language influences our thinking, considering the different theories on how language is acquired.
  • Evaluate the importance of physical or cognitive limitations on language acquisition, including hearing loss and learning a second language later in life.


Students understand that:
  • All language is structured.
  • There are specific ways that language develops.
  • There are differences among languages, both spoken and expressed.
  • There are differences between written and spoken/expressed language.
  • There are ways in which physical limitations can affect language development and expression.
  • There are specific uses of language in different contexts.


  • language
  • morpheme
  • phoneme
  • grammar
  • semantics
  • syntax
  • babbling
  • one-word stage
  • two-word stage
  • telegraphic speech
  • linguistic determinism
  • nerve deafness
  • conduction deafness