
Social Studies (2010) Grade(s): 10 - United States History I


Compare effects of economic, geographic, social, and political conditions before and after European explorations of the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries on Europeans, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans. [A.1.a., A.1.b., A. 1.d., A.1.g., A.1.i.]

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Effects of economic conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of geographic conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of social conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of political conditions of Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Effects of European Explorations of the 15th through the 17th centuries.
  • Influence of the Crusades, the Renaissance, and the Reformation on European Exploration.
  • Motives for establishing colonies, including mercantilism, religious persecution, poverty, oppression, and new opportunities.
  • The course of the Columbian Exchange.
  • The effects of the triangular trade on regions of the world.
  • The development of slavery in the American colonies.


Students are able to:
  • Compare by similarities and differences among the economic, geographical, social, and political conditions before and after European explorations.
  • Describe the influence of the Crusades, Renaissance, and Reformation on European exploration.
  • Analyze and evaluate the course of the Columbian exchange and its impact on the economies of the world.
  • Explain examples of how the triangular trade and the development of slavery affected the colonies.


Students understand that:
  • There were important economic, geographic, social, and political conditions that influenced Europe, American colonists, Africans, and indigenous Americans during and after the explorations of the 15th - 17th Centuries.


  • indigenous
  • motives
  • mercantilism
  • persecution
  • oppression
  • impact
  • global
  • economic conditions
  • geographical conditions
  • social conditions
  • political conditions
  • Crusades
  • Renaissance
  • Reformation