
World Languages (2017) Grade(s): 07-12 - American Sign Language


Communicate using American Sign Language within the classroom and community.

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • ASL vocabulary for asking yes/no and 'wh' questions.
  • ASl vocabulary for making comments or answer questions.
  • ASl vocabulary to receptively understand the answers to those questions.
  • strategies to recognize the topic being discussed.
  • strategies to ask for clarification.
  • strategies to navigate a website to find professions requiring American Sign Language .
  • strategies to navigate a website to find professions which require the knowledge of American Sign Language.


Students are able to communicate effectively in person or via video phone/device using questions, statements or comments.
  • identify and list professions utilizing American Sign Language.
  • Understanding

    Students understand that:
    • ASL is used daily by Deaf people as their primary and preferred mode of communication across all parts of their lives.
    • ASL can help one better understand the world around them.
    • The study of ASL expands one's opportunities.
    • ASL is a tool to connect with the world.
    • interacting with native users helps increase language and culture skills.
    • ASL is a life-long learning tool for communication throughout their personal and professional lives.

    COS Examples

    Examples: Communicate with Deaf guest speakers in person or virtually.

    Identify professions that utilize American Sign Language.

    Aligned Learning Resources