Science (2015) Grade(s): 09-12 - Physics


Investigate the nature of wave behavior to illustrate the concept of the superposition principle responsible for wave patterns, constructive and destructive interference, and standing waves (e.g., organ pipes, tuned exhaust systems).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Planning and Carrying out Investigations

Crosscutting Concepts

Structure and Function


Students know:
  • The concept of the superposition principle.
  • The relationship among frequency, wavelength and speed.
  • The relationship between frequency and pitch.
  • The relationship between wavelength and color.


Students are able to:
  • Illustrate/model the concept of the superposition principle responsible for wave patterns.
  • Illustrate/model waveforms to show interference.
  • Illustrate/model waveforms to show standing waves.
  • Explore wave behavior.
  • Make predictions about wave behavior as applied to phenomena such as Doppler and SONAR.
  • Locate information from multiple sources.


Students understand that:
  • When waves interfere they form wave patterns predicted by the law of superposition.
  • Wave behavior, known as the Doppler Effect, can be used to determine the relative speed of objects producing or reflecting waves.


  • model
  • Doppler Effect
  • constructive interference
  • destructive interference
  • standing wave
  • superposition principle
  • wave
  • wave speed
  • frequency
  • period
  • speed of light
  • speed of sound
  • wavelength
  • medium
  • Red shift
  • ultrasound
  • crest
  • trough
  • amplitude
  • node
  • antinode
  • sound
  • mechanical
  • electromagnetic
  • compression
  • rarefaction
  • longitudinal