Science (2015) Grade(s): 09-12 - Physics


Identify external forces in a system and apply Newton’s laws graphically by using models such as free-body diagrams to explain how the motion of an object is affected, ranging from simple to complex, and including circular motion.

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Developing and Using Models; Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking

Crosscutting Concepts

Systems and System Models


Students know:
  • How to use mathematical computations to solve for net force on an object.
  • How to use mathematical computations to solve for kinematics variables.
  • Appropriate units of measure.
  • How to identify the system.
  • Basic trigonometric functions of sine, cosine and tangent.


Students are able to:
  • Manipulate equations.
  • Complete mathematical computations.
  • Interpret graphical data.
  • Create graphical representations of data.
  • Follow written and verbal instructions.
  • Draw force diagrams.
  • Identify the forces acting on an object.


Students understand that:
  • Net force causes objects to change their motion.


  • model
  • graph
  • instant
  • interval
  • position
  • velocity
  • acceleration
  • displacement
  • distance
  • speed
  • average speed
  • average velocity
  • kinematic equations
  • analyze
  • slope
  • intercepts
  • vector
  • scalar
  • coordinates
  • origin
  • magnitude
  • units of measure
  • significant figures
  • circular motion
  • centripetal force
  • friction
  • tension
  • normal
  • trigonometric functions
  • perpendicular
  • radius
  • circumference
  • period
  • frequency
  • pi
  • trajectory
  • projectile
  • range
  • free-body diagram
  • force diagram
  • net force
  • inertia
  • action-reaction
  • proportional
  • force
  • mass
  • system