Science (2015) Grade(s): 09-12 - Environmental Science


Engage in an evidence-based argument to explain how over time Earth’s systems affect the biosphere and the biosphere affects Earth’s systems (e.g., microbial life increasing the formation of soil; corals creating reefs that alter patterns of erosion and deposition along coastlines).

Unpacked Content

Scientific and Engineering Practices

Engaging in Argument from Evidence

Crosscutting Concepts

Stability and Change


Students know:
  • The components of a scientific argument including the claim, alternative claim, evidence, justification, and the challenge to the alternative claim.
  • The dynamic causes, effects, and feedbacks between the biosphere and Earth's other systems, through which geoscience factors influence the evolution of life which in turn continuously alter Earth's surface.


Students are able to:
  • Evaluate the claims, evidence, and/or reasoning behind currently accepted explanations to determine how, over time, Earth's systems affect the biosphere and the biosphere affects Earth's systems.
  • Evaluate the evidence, and include a statement in the claim or argument, regarding how variation or uncertainty in the data may affect the usefulness of the data as a source of evidence.
  • Assess the ability of the data to be used to determine causal or correlational effects between changes in the biosphere and changes in Earth's other systems.
  • Generalize from multiple sources of evidence an oral or written argument explaining how Earth's systems affect the biosphere and the biosphere affects Earth's systems.
  • Identify causal links and feedback mechanisms between changes in the biosphere and changes in Earth's other systems.


Students understand that:
  • Gradual atmospheric changes were due to plants and other organisms that captured carbon dioxide and released oxygen.
  • The dynamic and delicate feedbacks between the biosphere and other Earth systems cause a continual coevolution of Earth's surface and the life that exists on it.
  • Much of science deals with constructing explanations of how things change and how they remain stable.


  • weathering
  • deposition
  • leaching
  • desertification
  • photosynthesis
  • chemosynthesis
  • closed system
  • open system
  • eutrophication
  • evapotranspiration
  • biogeochemical cycles — carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, oxygen, hydrologic