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English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 10


Write explanations and expositions that incorporate relevant evidence, using effective transitions that objectively introduce and develop topics.

COS Examples

Examples: specific facts, examples, details, statistics/data, examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic

Unpacked Content


  • Explanatory and expository text is writing that examines and explains complex ideas or processes, utilizing information from multiple credible research sources.
  • Explanatory and expository writing has an organized structure, and usually begins by clearly focusing on the topic, incorporating credible evidence, and ends with a conclusion.
  • Explanatory and expository writing should utilize techniques that objectively introduce and develop topics.
  • Words that indicate transitions.


  • Gather credible information and data from multiple sources.
  • Write an explanatory and expository text with an organized structure and formal style that objectively develops the topic and utilizes appropriate transitions and relevant evidence.


  • Explanatory and expository writing should be free from opinions and supported with evidence.
  • Explanatory and expository writing follows a predictable, organized text structure that utilizes appropriate transition words.
  • They must gather their information and data about the topic from multiple credible research sources.


  • Explanations
  • Expositions
  • Evidence
  • Transitions
  • Objectively