English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 2


With prompting and support, identify and interpret various cohesive devices that help link words and sentences to one another within the text as a scaffold to help build comprehension at the sentence and paragraph level.

COS Examples

Examples: pronoun references, word substitution using synonyms, conjunctions

Unpacked Content


Students know:
  • Words, sentences, and paragraphs can be joined together with certain words, phrases, or references.


Students are able to:
With prompting and support,
  • Identify cohesive devices that link together words and sentences within a text, such as pronoun references, word substitution using synonyms, and conjunctions.
  • Interpret cohesive devices to comprehend text at the sentence and paragraph level.


Students understand that:
  • Cohesive devices, like pronoun references, word substitution, and conjunctions, can link words and sentences together within the larger body of text.
  • To fully comprehend a text, they must understand the meaning of the cohesive devices.


  • Identify
  • Interpret
  • Cohesive devices
  • Scaffold
  • Comprehension
  • Sentence level
  • Paragraph level
  • Prompting
  • Support