Learning Resource Type

Learning Activity

What's the Syllable Spelling Pattern?

Subject Area

English Language Arts




In this activity, the teacher will introduce students to the video, "What Is a Syllable?" The teacher will discuss the different syllable patterns; closed, open, silent e, vowel team, r-controlled, and consonant-le. The teacher will explain how knowing the different syllable types help you know where words are divided. The teacher will use the Google Document, What Does the Syllable Part Spell? to help students to see the syllable division in multisyllabic words. 

This resource was created in partnership with Dothan City Schools.

    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 3


    Apply knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences, multisyllabic word construction, and syllable division principles to decode and encode (spell) words accurately in isolation and in context.

    Unpacked Content



    • Phoneme-grapheme correspondences
    • Multisyllabic word construction
    • Syllable division principles
    • Decode
    • Encode
    • Isolation
    • In context


    Student know:
    • Spoken words can be represented in print by using letter symbols (graphemes) to represent sounds (phonemes).
    • Printed words can be read by saying the sound (phoneme) that is represented by the letter symbols (graphemes).
    • Multisyllabic words contain more than one syllable, and multisyllabic words can be constructed by combining individual syllables.
    • Syllable division is breaking words apart by the syllables.
    • Decode means to read, and encode means to spell.
    • Decoding and encoding in isolation means reading or spelling a single word, while in context refers to these skills within a larger text.


    Students are able to:
    • Read and spell words accurately in isolation and in context based on their knowledge of phoneme-grapheme relationships, multisyllabic word construction, and syllable division principles.


    Students understand that:
    • To read (decode), they must accurately say the sounds (phonemes) that are represented by the letter symbols (graphemes).
    • To spell (encode), they must accurately represent the letter symbols (graphemes) that correspond to the spoken sounds (phonemes).
    • They can use syllable division principles to accurately decode and encode words.
    • They can use their knowledge of the six syllable types to accurately decode and encode words.
    • They will sometimes use these skills in isolation, and other times in context when reading or writing a longer text.
    English Language Arts (2021) Grade(s): 3


    Apply knowledge of multisyllabic word construction and syllable division principles to decode grade-appropriate multisyllabic words.

    Unpacked Content



    • Multisyllabic word construction
    • Syllable division principles
    • Decode
    • Grade-appropriate multisyllabic words


    • Multisyllabic words can be constructed by combining syllables.
    • Syllable division principles help divide words into parts with one vowel sound based on predictable patterns.


    • Decode grade-appropriate multisyllabic words using knowledge of multisyllabic word construction and syllable division principles; for example, VC/CV, com-mit,ment; V/CV, e-vent; VC/V, ev-er-y; CV/VC, po-et.


    • Multisyllabic words are composed of more than one syllable.
    • They can create words that are multisyllabic by combining individual syllables.
    • They can use the syllable division principles to help with decoding grade-appropriate words.


    Learning Objectives

    Learning Objectives

    The students will apply knowledge of multisyllabic word construction and syllable division principles to find syllable spelling patterns to accurately decode and encode multisyllabic words.

    Activity Details

    1. The teacher will start the activity with a video, "What's a Syllable?"

    2. The teacher will explain in detail the different types of syllable patterns for students to understand how multisyllabic words are divided. 

    • Closed syllable (pub/lish, pen/cil) is when there is one vowel and that vowel makes the short sound. Closed syllables have one vowel followed by a consonant. The vowel is "closed" in.
    • Open syllable (pro/gram, e/qual) is when there is a long vowel sound and no other consonant letters come after the vowel. An open syllable ends with one vowel sound like in he, no, so, hi.
    • Silent e syllable (re/ceive, dis/guise) is when there is one vowel, one consonant, and the final e. Here the e is silent and the vowel is long.
    • Vowel team syllable (toast/er, rai/sin) is two and more letters working together to make one vowel sound. Vowel teams are NOT always vowel letters. For example, the vowel team igh has 3 letters and makes the long vowel i sound. This syllable type is also known as a vowel digraph or vowel diphthong.   
    • R-controlled syllable (gar/bage, mar/ket) is where the r controlled the vowel.
    • Consonant-le syllable (peo/ple, crip/ple) is the last three letters of a word including the le.

    3. The teacher will display the different syllable patterns on an anchor chart as a resource for students to use. 

    4.  The teacher will make a copy of each page from the Google Document and give students a copy of each page. 

    5. The teacher will give the students ten minutes to use as many syllable parts to make a word. Students will also name the syllable type for the word.

    6. For the final step, the teacher will allow students to exchange their papers with a partner to check for accuracy and give feedback to each other.

    Assessment Strategies

    Assessment Strategies

    • The teacher will monitor and observe students working independently.
    • The teacher will make anecdotal notes of students' understanding of the activity.
    • The teacher will collect the Google Document assignment to review students' work.
    • The teacher will also use the anchor chart to assess students' knowledge of the objective.


    Extension: For students needing a challenge, allow students to add new multisyllabic words to each of the anchor charts displayed in the classroom. The teacher will ask students to write words with 2,3, and 4 syllables parts with the same syllable type of pattern as the anchor chart on index cards.


    Intervention: The teacher will use the activity from the Flordia Research Center Activities for students who need additional practice with dividing and constructing multisyllabic words. The students will identify syllable patterns by playing this game. The students will take turns pulling cards from a stack to name the syllable pattern.

    Related Learning Activities

    Background and Preparation

    Background / Preparation

    1. Teacher will need the video, "What Is a Syllable?"

    2. Teacher will need a copy of each page of the Google Document to give to every student.

    3. Teacher will need a pencil for each student.

    4. Teacher will need anchor chart paper (at least six sheets).

    5. Teacher will need markers.

    6. Teacher will need tape (for extension strategy).

    7. Teacher will need index cards (for extension strategy).

    Digital Tools / Resources